Live Animal Transport Mr. Heppell To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) what action his Department has taken to supervise collection centres for intra-Community trade in livestock; [11978](2) what responsibilities his Department has for the supervision of dealers' premises in respect of intra-Community trade in livestock. [11979] Mrs. Browning Local veterinary inspectors or veterinary officers are present to inspect animals during assembly at collection centres and dealers' premises of consignments for export to other member states. In relation to imports from other member states, dealers' premises are subject to random non-discriminatory checks as provided for under EC rules. Mr. Morley To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many breeding cattle were imported into the United Kingdom during the most recent 12-month period for which figures are available; and if he will make a statement. [9856] Mrs. Browning [holding answer 17 January 1996]: Official overseas trade statistics recorded 3,842 pure-bred breeding cattle as having been imported into the United Kingdom during the period October 1994 to September 1995. Imports of non-pure-bred breeding cattle are not separately available. Mr. Morley To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what are (a) the guidelines, (b) the enforcement procedures and (c) the monitoring arrangements in respect of the certification of live animals for export by local veterinary inspectors. [11690] Mrs. Browning [holding answer 25 January 1996]: Written instructions are issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in the form of animal health circulars and in sets of instructions. They are sent to all veterinary practices which have local veterinary inspectors approved for the certification of live animals for export. Notes for guidance of LVIs on completion of an individual certificate may also be issued with the certificate. In addition, it is incumbent upon every local veterinary inspector to follow the ethical guidance concerning veterinary certification given in the guide to professional conduct issued by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.Where there is evidence of statutory or procedural deficiencies, appropriate action is taken, including prosecution by local authorities.Where an LVI infringes or fails to comply with his/her conditions of appointment, performs duties unsatisfactorily or is guilty of conduct which indicates that suspension or termination of the appointment may be necessary, an investigation will be mounted and the appropriate action taken. Where a veterinary surgeon has issued misleading, inaccurate or untrue certificates, the matter may be considered by the disciplinary committee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. In several cases, the disciplinary committee has held that the issue of inaccurate certificates has amounted to disgraceful professional conduct. The veterinarian's name has been removed from the Register of Veterinary Surgeons and the veterinarian has been unable to practise. To monitor the arrangements for veterinary certification, audit visits are carried out by members of the veterinary field service to LVI practices to check that, among other things, the practice has a current set of instructions and that individual LVIs are aware of current procedures. LVIs are required to return copies of completed export certificates to animal health offices. These are checked to see that they have been completed correctly. Apparent errors in certification and non-receipt of copy certificates are followed up with the LVI concerned. Unannounced audit visits are carried out by members of the veterinary field service to check on LVIs carrying out export certification. In addition, certification and consignments of live animals may be checked at the port of export by Ministry staff. Any deficiencies found in certification or procedures are followed up. Mr. Morley To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he plans to take to ensure that local veterinary inspectors carry out their duties in accordance with his instructions in animal health circular 94/31 on "Procedures for checking the identification of cattle to be exported to EC Member States", and if he will make a statement. [12164] Mrs. Browning [holding answer 29 January 1996]: Procedures are already in hand to monitor the duties carried out by LVIs in respect of export certification. I refer to my earlier reply today.