Soap Ration, Newport 54. Mr. Peter Freeman asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware of the shortage of soap in Newport, according to the letter giving details recently sent to him; and if he will take steps to see that the full ration is available for all citizens. Mr. Strachey In Newport and other parts of the country retailers' soap stocks have been low, but I am satisfied that all consumers can get their ration, though with some difficulty. Manufacturers arc now making good the production lost during the coal crisis and I hope that with a steady improvement in deliveries the position in the shops will gradually be eased. Mr. Freeman Is the Minister aware that a lady complained that she had been unable to get her soap ration for several periods and had had to wash the baby with shaving soap at an increased cost. Mr. Jennings Will the Minister tell us what he means when he talks about everybody getting their ration with some difficulty? What is the difficulty in getting the ration? Mr. Strachey Having to go to more than one shop for it.