London Assessment Studies Ms. Ruddock To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what is the estimate of the number of homes likely to be lost as a result of the decisions relating to stage 2B report of the London assessment studies; (2) what levels of public transport fares increases and fuel cost increases were assumed in assessing the options in the London assessment studies; (3) what would be the estimated cost of implementation of each of the preferred options for each of the London assessment studies. Mr. Atkins The consultants assumed that public transport fares would rise in line with expected growth in gross domestic product, and that fuel costs would rise midway between the Department of Transport's high and low forecast. Forecast increases for the period from 1986 until 2001 are 46·3 per cent. and 13·7 per cent., respectively.Information on the cost and effects of the consultants' options is set out in their stage two reports, which have been placed in the Library.