Falkland Islands Dependencies 29. Mr. Fitzroy Maclean asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies who is now in occupation of Paradise Island. Mr. Dugdale I assume that the reference is to Paradise Harbour in the Falkland Islands Dependencies. There are an Argentine and a Chilean post on two islands in this harbour. Protests at these actions of trespass on British territory have been delivered locally to the leaders of both parties. Mr. Maclean In view of the complete futility of these repeated protests will the Government take steps to expel these undesirable elements? Mr. Dugdale I do not know what the hon. Gentleman means. Does he mean engaging in warlike operations? Lieut.-Commander Gurney Braithwaite Can the Minister tell us how long this fatuous state of affairs has existed? How long have these people been there? Mr. Dugdale The protests were delivered by the "John Briscoe," when it was relieving British posts in the Dependencies. The Chileans have been there rather longer than the Argentinians. The Chileans set up their post during the Antarctic season, which is just ending. Mr. Maclean Have no protests been delivered through the ordinary diplomatic channels to the Governments concerned? Mr. Dugdale That is a matter for my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary.