Hotels (Fire Regulations) Mr. Allason To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what European Community regulations come into force in January requiring self-employed hoteliers with premises of under six bed spaces to conform to fire regulations; and if he will make a statement. Mr. John Patten European Community Directives 89/391/EEC and 89/654/EEC relate to the health and safety of workers at work and contain fire safety requirements for which we must make legislative provision by 31 December 1992.We plan to give effect to those requirements by regulations made under section 12 of the Fire Precautions----------- |Month | ----------- |January | ----------- |February | ----------- |March | ----------- |April | ----------- |May | ----------- |June | ----------- |July | ----------- |August | ----------- |September| ----------- |October | ----------- |November | ----------- |December | -----------