Palestine (Government Policy) 45. Squadron-Leader Donner asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the unrest and tension in Palestine, His Majesty's Government have yet formulated their policy in regard to the Holy Land; and whether he will now make a statement terminating the present period of uncertainty. The Prime Minister (Mr. Attlee) I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave to the hon. and gallant Member on 9th October. Squadron-Leader Donner Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that it is eight weeks since I first asked this Question? How long are His Majesty's Government going to take before they make up their mind? The Prime Minister I hope a statement will be made in the near future. Earl Winterton What are the reasons for this very long delay in making a statement? Is it not the case that every day there is delay means that the protagonists in the struggle, the Arab League and the Zionists, improve their organisations in every way and therefore make an eventual solution far harder than would be the case if the Government took their courage in both hands and announced a policy? The Prime Minister It is not a question of taking courage; it is a question of taking thought.