Agriculture Mr. Geraint Howells asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he is satisfied with the state of the agriculture industry in Wales; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Alec Jones Following the ending of the drought and the recent improvement in pastures, fodder prospects for the coming winter are much more pro-missing than seemed possible only a few weeks ago. This improvement, coupled with the assistance that the livestock sector will receive under the measures announced by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture on 5th October, provides good grounds for the industry's returning confidence. Moreover, current market prices for store and fat sheep and cattle are good. In the dairying sector, recent evidence is of an upturn in milk production. The recent wet conditions have, however, led to some poaching of grassland and have hampered arable operations. Mr. Geraint Howells asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he is satisfied with the state of the agriculture industry within the national parks in Wales. Mr. Alec Jones I would refer the hon. Member to my earlier reply today on the state of the Welsh agriculture industry generally.We are not aware of any significant difference in the state of agriculture within the national parks compared with the situation in Wales as a whole.