Armoured Divisions, Germany 6. Mr. Donner asked the Secretary of State for War if he will give an assurance that no more tanks will be taken from existing British divisions in Germany in order to provide equipment for the fourth division in that country; and that hence forth this division will be equipped with tanks from this country and not at the expense of the others. Mr. Strachey The hon. Member has been misinformed. He is perhaps thinking of the fact that tanks have recently been brought from Germany to this country for modifications. But they have been replaced in Germany on a one-for-one basis. The new armoured division now being formed will not, of course, be equipped at the expense of the armoured divisions now in Germany. Mr. Donner As the information given to me was up-to-date and came from an unchallengeable source, would the right hon. Gentleman look into the matter again? Mr. Strachey The source is not only challengeable, but has been challenged and contradicted in the last few minutes.