Dipped Headlights Mr. Trotter asked the Secretary of State for Transport what information he has about which countries require vehicles to display dipped headlights during the hours of darkness (a) while the engine is running and (b) when the vehicle is moving. Mrs. Chalker The most recent information we have, circulated in October last year by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe working party on road transport, shows that the following countries require dipped headlights to be used in built-up areas at night on moving vehicles: BelgiumBulgariaCzechoslovakiaFederal Republic of GermanyGerman Democratic RepublicHungaryLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwayRomaniaSwitzerlandTurkeyYugoslavia and the following countries require sidelights or dipped headlights to be used in built-up areas at night, depending on the street lighting and visibility: AustriaFinlandFranceItalyPolandPortugalSpainSwedenUnited KingdomUnion of Soviet Socialist RepublicsWe know of no country which requires headlights to be used at any time on a vehicle which is stationary with the engine running.