Holyrood Urban District Council MR. J. DEVLIN (Belfast, W.) To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the urban district council of Holywood has discovered that its late clerk, James H. Barrett, received, between the 6th December, 1900, and the 29th January, 1905, various fees in respect of transfers of grave lots; that the said James Hunter Barrett failed to account for said sums; whether he will state the circumstances under which the discovery was made, and the nature of the entries made by James Hunter Barrett in respect of the said stuns respectively; whether the council have taken any, and if so, what steps in regard to said embezzlements; does the council intend to prosecute in respect of these and other serious embezzlements by James H. Barrett; and if not, will the Government institute an independent inquiry. ( Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Local Government Board have ascertained that the urban district council are at present considering what steps should be taken in regard to the circumstances alleged in the Question. Having regard to the possible outcome of the case, it is not at present desirable to make any statement as to the facts or to consider the question of an inquiry.