New Towns (Housing And Land Sales) Mr. Michael Latham asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what publicity he gave to his letter to general managers of new towns of 25th April 1974 regarding the sale of new town rented houses and freehold housing land;(2) what publicity he gave to his circular of 5th September 1974 to new town corporations and the New Towns Commission regarding the sale of freehold land;(3) what publicity he gave to his letter to new towns of 29th March 1974 regarding the sale of freehold land for private sector commercial and industrial development. Mr. John Silkin None. I see no good reason why they should have been specially publicised. Corporations will have told those who are directly affected by what is said in these documents. Mr. Michael Latham asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) whether his letter to general managers of new town development corporations dated 25th April 1974 requesting them not to sell rented dwellings in normal circumstances took the form of a formal direction under Section 4 of the New Towns Act 1965; or whether it represented a suggested line of policy to them which they are legally permitted to reject in the absence of such a direction, if their corporation members so instruct them;(2) whether his letter to new towns of 29th March 1974, regarding the sale of freehold land for private sector commercial and industrial development, took the form of a formal direction under Section 4 of the New Towns Act 1965; or whether it represented a suggested line of policy to them which they are legally permitted to reject, in the absence of such direction, if their corporation or commission members so instruct them;(3) whether his letter to new towns of 25th April 1974, asking them not to sell housing land took the form of a formal direction under Section 4 of the New Towns Act 1965; or whether it represented a suggested line of policy to them which they are legally permitted to reject, in the absence of such a direction, if their corporation or commission members so instruct them;(4) whether his circular to new towns of 5th September 1974 regarding the sale of freehold land to private developers took the form of a formal direction under Section 4 of the New Towns Act 1965; or whether it represented a suggested line of policy to them which they are legally permitted to reject in the absence of such a direction, if their corporation or commission members so instruct them. Mr. John Silkin Neither the letters nor the circular took the shape of formal directions under Section 4 of the New Towns Act 1965. Essentially, they were requested to abide by certain guidelines pending completion of a review of new town policy. Given our good relations with development corporations, it is, I am sure, quite unnecessary to invoke formal powers and I am confident that the corporations will have the courtesy to consult me before disregarding those guidelines.