Telephone Service Mr. JODRELL asked the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the refusal of the Midland and Great Northern Railways Joint Committee to instal a telephone at Terrington St. Clement Station, in Norfolk, in spite of their receiving an extensively signed petition in favour of such installation and the offer of a guarantee by the local branch of the National Farmers' Union; and whether, in view of the fact that loading at Terrington Station, which serves an intensively cultivated district, is heavy, he will take steps to have a public telephone installed in close proximity to that station without delay? Mr. KELLAWAY I was not aware that an application had been made to the Committee. A public call office could, I think, be provided at the station if a guarantee of about 219 a year were forthcoming, and if a suitable site could he arranged with the Joint Committee. Captain TERRELL asked the Postmaster-General whether there is now any difficulty in dealing promptly with applications for the installation of telephones in private houses, on account of scarcity of materials or other causes; and whether his attention has been called to recent complaints of applications of five or six years' standing that have not been dealt with? Mr. KELLAWAY There is now no scarcity of materials, and generally no difficulty is found in dealing promptly with applications for telephone service; hut there are still a few localities where from various causes it has not been possible yet to complete the cables which are necessary in order to meet the demands any undertaking, but I will arrange for for telephone service. I shall be happy this Bill to be put on the Order Paper as to investigate any ease that is brought to early as possible my notice of an application which has been outstanding for a considerable time.