Pension Statements Mr. Webb To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will list the (a) employers and (b) pension providers issuing combined pension statements to their employees and policy holders. [116721] Maria Eagle The information in the table lists employers and pension providers who are issuing combined pension forecasts to their employees and policy holders. There are 42 employers listed and four providers. An additional 19 companies are registered and a further 454 companies have expressed an interest in taking advantage of the combined pension forecasting service and are at varying stages of the recruitment process.objective indicator, specific to each benefit or pension, is employed to assess whether excessive delay has occurred. Available records indicate that a period of eight months has been used since 1 April 1995 for the purpose of calculating delay in payment of retirement pension. Mr. Plaskitt To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what plans he has to increase pension provision in the UK; and if he will make a statement. [117322] Mr. Andrew Smith The Green Paper 'Simplicity, Security and Choice: working and saving for retirement' Cm 5677 set out proposals designed to give people more options to save more or work for longer in order to meet their expectations in retirement.I hope to be able to make an announcement next week on the action we intend to take following the Green Paper consultation process.