The London Unemployed MR. CARR-GOMM (Southwark, Rotherhithe) I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he will use his influence with the Central Unemployed Body in London to increase the number of labour exchange registries and enlarge the staff of these offices, so as to cope with the distress which arises during the winter months, especially among the casual waterside labourers; and whether he will issue circulars to employers of labour, especially along the riverside, in order that there may be greater knowledge and co-operation in this scheme. MR. JOHN BURNS The Unemployed Workmen Act enables the Central Unemployed Body to deal with this matter, and I will bring the suggestion of my hon. friend under their notice. Any circulars of the kind referred to in the last part of the Question should, I think, be issued by them. MR. CARR-GOMM Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of calling a conference of representative officers of the various organisations in order to fix the staff before the coming. winter? ; I will consider that suggestion. MR. MARKHAM (Nottinghamshire, Mansfield) Do not the trade unions object to employers of labour employing. the unemployed? MR. LEA (St. Pancras, E.) Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the desirability of establishing more than three workshops for women in London during the coming winter? MR. JOHN BURNS That depends. on the circumstances of the time.