War-Time Missions, United States 44. Sir John Wardlaw-Milne asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the total numbers of the personnel of the United Kingdom war-time Missions in the United States of America, Service as well as civilian; and the proportion of this total represented by locally recruited staff? Mr. Assheton The total number of staff in the United Kingdom war-time Missions in the United States at the end of February, the latest date for which figures are available, was aproximately 8,750. More than four-fifths of this total was represented by locally recruited staff, and of the United Kingdom based staff a substantial part were, of course, Service, not civilian, personnel. Sir J. Wardlaw-Milne Will my hon. Friend give as much publicity as possible to his answer in order to do away with the impression current in this country that there are 8,000 people from this country in Washington? Mr. Assheton I fully appreciate the point. Sir IrvinĒµ Albery Can my hon. Friend say whether there has been any substantial reduction in those employed since his right hon. and gallant Friend left the Treasury to become Postmaster-General? Mr. Assheton I should like to have notice of that question.