Official Information 4. Captain WEDGWOOD BENN asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will publish the official information in his possession purporting to show the benefits of the Safeguarding of Industries Act and the information on which he bases his statement that no loss of employment has been caused by that Act? Sir P. LLOYD-GREAME I propose to deal fully with this matter in the course of the Debate later to-day on an Amendment to the Address. Captain BENN Does the right hon. Gentleman now say that, when he made the statement that no one had been thrown out of work through this Act, he was making a partisan statement, not based on official information? Sir P. LLOYD-GREAME No, Sir. I was making what I still believe to be an accurate statement. Captain BENN Was it based on official information; and, if so, why cannot the right hon. Gentleman give us the official information? Sir P. LLOYD-GREAME I understand the object of the Debate which is to follow this afternoon is in order to enable the hon. and gallant Gentleman and other Members of the House to receive that information.