Land Valuation 84. Mr. LANE-FOX asked whether there are any further additions to be made to the Estimate of £630,000 for the expenses of the Land Valuation Office to arrive at the complete cost of its working, besides £20,000 for rent of district valuer's offices and £15,000 for printing; and, if so, what is the amount of them, and under what Votes do they come? Mr. LLOYD GEORGE The total cost of the services rendered by other Departments in connection with the original valuation for the current year is approximately £50,000, made up as follows:— ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | ---------------------------------------------------------- |Rent of offices (borne on Office of Works Vote) |…| ---------------------------------------------------------- |Rates (borne on Vote for Rates on Government Property)|…| ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | ------------------------------------------------------------- |Stationery and printing (borne on Stationery Office Vote)|…| ------------------------------------------------------------- |Postage (borne on Post Office Vote) |…| ------------------------------------------------------------- The sum of £15,000 previously given as the estimated cost of stationery and printing is found upon further investigation to have been excessive. Mr. LANE-FOX May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether on a future occasion it would not be possible to set down the estimate more clearly so that the whole cost will appear in a single estimate instead of being spread over a number of estimates? Mr. LLOYD GEORGE If that was done in connection with this Vote, it would have to be done in connection with all other Votes, and I think that would be quite impossible.