Water Taps 2. Mr. Marples asked the Minister of Works how much more metal is used in the British Waterworks Association's Standard tap, BS 1010, than in the Ministry of Health's Swan tap; what taps are now being used in the home market; and what taps are being exported. Mr. Stokes Taps produced by different makers vary slightly in weight, but on the average the ½ inch B.S. 1010 tap is about 1½ ozs. heavier than the Ministry of Health's Swan tap, and the ¾ inch B.S. 1010 tap is about 2 ozs. heavier than the Ministry of Health pattern. Both B.S. 1010 and Ministry of Health taps are used at home and are exported. Mr. Marples Yes, but does not the Swan tap use very much less material, relatively speaking, than the other tap, and why is it not used more extensively in the home market at this time of shortage of materials? Mr. Stokes Arrangements are being made to specify it so far as possible, but it takes time. But progress is being made in this direction. Sir Herbert Williams Is this a case of a new standard being forced on the industry partly by the Ministry of Health and partly by the right hon. Gentleman's Department? Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd Do I understand that it is definitely the Government's intention to go back to the Ministry of Health tap which was used in the last war to economise in the use of metal? Mr. Stokes No; not entirely so.