Returns, Reports, Etc Polling Districts (County Of Berks) Copy presented, of Order made by the Council of the County of Berks altering certain polling districts in the Northern or Abingdon Parliamentary Division [by Act]; to lie upon the Table. Local Registration Of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891 Copy presented, of Rule dated 31st July, 1907, made by the Land Judge with the approval of the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, amending the Rules of 24th August, 1896 [by Act]; to lie upon the, Table. Railway Returns Copy presented, of Returns of the Capital, Traffic Receipts, and Working Expenditure of the Railway Companies of the United Kingdom for the year 1906 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table. Colonial Statistics Copy presented, of Statistical Tables relating to British Colonies, Possessions, and Protectorates. Part XXX., for the year 1905 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table. Statistical Abstract (Colonies) Copy presented, of Statistical Abstract for the several British Colonies, Possessions, and Protectorates in each year from 1892 to 1906 (Forty-fourth Number) [by Command]; to lie upon the Table. Trade Reports Copy presented, of Index to Reports of His Majesty's Diplomatic and Consular Representatives Abroad on Trade and Subjects of General Interest (with Appendix), 1906 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table. Colonial Import Duties, 1907 Copy presented, of Return relating to the Rates of Import Duties levied upon the principal and other articles imported into the British Colonies, Possessions, and Protectorates [by Command]; to lie upon the Table. Metropolitan Water Board Copy presented, of Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board and Abstract of their Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1907 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 328.] Foreshores Copy presented, of Treasury Minute, dated 19th August, 1907, directing the application of moneys received by the Board of Trade in the year ended 31st March, 1907, in respect of the rights and interests of the Crown in the Foreshores of the United Kingdom [by Act]; to lie upon the Table. Education (England And Wales) (Small Schools) Return presented, relative thereto [ordered 20th August; Mr. Yoxall]: to lie upon the Table. Extradition Acts, 1870 To 1906 Copies presented, of Orders in Council of 12th August, 1907, (1) for giving effect to a Treaty concluded on 25th August, 1906, between His Majesty and the President of the Republic of Panama for the Extradition of Criminals; (2) for carrying into effect an Agreement concluded on 2nd July, 1907, between the British and Swedish Governments for the mutual Extradition of fugitive Criminals [by Act]; to lie upon the Table. Merchant Shipping Act 1894 Copy presented, of Order in Council of 12th August, 1907, fixing the dues to be paid to the King's Lynn Conservancy Board in respect of ships passing a floating light to be maintained by that Board in the roads of the Port, and revoking the -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Units delivered. |Price per Unit.|Units delivered.|Price per Unit.|Units delivered.|Price per Unit.|Units delivered.|Price per Unit.| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Local Authorities | | | | | | | || -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Totals: Local Authorities | | | | | | | || -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Companies | | | | | | | || -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Totals: Companies | | | | | | | || -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Totals: Metropolitan Police District of London.| | | | | | | || -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order in Council of 23rd October, 1877 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table. Dockyard Ports Regulation Act, 1865 Copy presented, of Order in Council of 12th August, 1907, making new regulations for the Dockyard Port of Berehaven. [by Act]; to lie upon the Table. Naval And Marine Pay And Pensions Act, 1865 Copies presented, of three Orders in Council of 12th August, 1907, approving Memorials of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty praying sanction to (1). certain regulations whereby Officers placed on the Retired List whilst serving on the Staff of the Inspection and Experimental Departments, or in posts in the Admiralty connected with those Departments, may be entitled to increase of Retired Pay; (2) a Revision of Titles, Rates of Pay, etc., of Petty Officers and Seamen of His Majesty's Navy and the establishment of a separate class of Wireless Telegraph Operators; (3) the Payment of an allowance to Officers and Men of His Majesty's Navy and Royal Marines who act as Shorthand Writers at Naval Courts Martial [by Act]; to lie upon the Table. Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 And 1888 (London Electricity Supply) Return ordered, "of units delivered and average price charged by Local Authorities and Companies in the Metropolitan Police District for Power and Heating, Private Lighting, and Public Lighting, respectively, during their last completed year of account.