Civil Disabilities 10. Major Sir Jocelyn. Lucas asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is aware that ex-enemy alien refugees enjoy civil rights but that Allied nationals who have served here in the war and are unable to return for political reasons do not enjoy the same rights; and if he will remedy this state of affairs. Mr. Ede The answer to the first part of the Question is in the negative; and the second part does not therefore appear to arise. Sir J. Lucas As ex-enemy aliens are represented by the High Commissioner for Refugees, Sir Henry Emerson, and people like the refugee Poles and Yugoslavs are represented by no one, surely the position is otherwise than the right hon. Gentleman has stated? I have here two pages of disabilities suffered by these people. Mr. Ede If the hon. and gallant Member will consult with me on those two pages and any more he may produce I shall be very happy to meet him..