Board Of Education—Functions Of The New Medical Board MR. ALDEN (Middlesex, Tottenham) To ask the Secretary to the Board of Education if he can state the nature and work of the medical board whit h it is proposed to form in connection with his Department; what will be the number of doctors which will compose that board; how many of them will be women; and whether their duties will be of a purely advisory character. (Answered by Mr. Lough.) When the duty of medical inspection of children in public elementary schools has been imposed by statute upon local education authorities, the Board of Education propose to establish a medical staff to assist them in advising local education authorities in regard to certain points arising under the Bill, to collect and correlate the information obtained through the medical inspection carried out by the authorities, and to issue periodical Reports based upon that information. In making appointments regard will, of course, be had to the possession of special knowledge of such branches of medicine as bear upon the medical treatment of children, hygiene, public health, including sanitation, and kindred subjects. It would be premature to enter into greater detail at the present time.