Glasgow 29, 30 and 31. Mr. J. L. Williams asked the Postmaster-General (1) the number of telephone exchange lines operating in Glasgow on the latest available date, and ten years before, respectively; (2) the number of telephone calls made in Glasgow in the latest available month, and in the corresponding month ten years before, respectively; (3) the number of telephone installations in Glasgow in 1938 and 1948, respectively. Mr. Wilfred Paling The number of telephone exchange lines operating in the Glasgow telephone area was 90,111 at the end of 1948, compared with 62,795 at the end of 1938. Thirteen million, eight hundred thousand telephone calls were originated in the area in January, 1949, as against 8,600,000 in January, 1939. Seven thousand six hundred and twelve exchange lines and 11,585 telephones were installed in the area in 1948, compared with 4,500 exchange lines and 6,500 telephones in 1938. Mr. J. L. Williams Is my right hon. Friend aware that, notwithstanding the impressive figures which he has given, a large number of applicants have been on the waiting list for the last 18 months or two years, and are getting rather discontented? Mr. Paling I am aware that there is a large number of people waiting for telephones. Colonel J. R. H. Hutchison Would the Minister indicate, in regard to the census given by him of the number of instruments, how many of them are working properly? Mr. Paling I have no complaints to the contrary.