French Wheat (Import) Mr. HURD asked the Minister of Agriculture (1) if the agricultural reporters of his Department have called his attention to the position in the Mark Lane wheat market last week, when port millers rejected offers of English wheat because of the cheap French wheat available; whether that French wheat is exported from France under any and, if so, what form of bounty; and what action he proposes to take;(2) the character and effect of the steps which the French Government has taken to stimulate the export of grain during this winter in competition with British production? Dr. ADDISON My right hon. Friend is aware that a certain quantity of French wheat has recently been on offer at Mark Lane at prices below those ruling for British wheat. The steps taken by the French Government to stimulate the export of grain are contained in an Act passed on 1st December, 1929. Article 3 of this Act abolishes the option formerly given to millers importing wheat under the temporary admission system to retain in France all or a part of the flour produced from such wheat. They are now under an obligation to re-export within three months a quantity of flour, to be fixed by decree, corresponding to the quantity of wheat imported. This applies to all wheat imported under the temporary admission system since 17th November, 1929. Article 4 provides that, within the limits------------------------- |October 5th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |October 12th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |October 19th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |October 26th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |November 2nd |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |November 9th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |November 16th|…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |November 23rd|…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |November 30th|…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |December 7th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |December 14th|…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |December 21st|…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |December 28th|…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |January 4th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |January 11th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |January 18th |…|…|…|…|…| ------------------------- |Total |…|…|…|…|…| -------------------------