House Of Commons Staff Canteen 65. Mr. Denville asked the hon. Member for Dulwich, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, what improvements he proposes to make in the House of Commons Canteen? Mr. Bracewell Smith The Kitchen Committee have not recently considered any proposal for making further improvements in the House of Commons Staff Canteen, which we understand is giving every satisfaction to those using it. Mr. Denville Is the hon. Gentleman aware that there is a common feeling that they are not supplied efficiently? Is he further aware that the servants of the House, the soldiers, the messengers, and the clerks are not able to obtain a meal at a reasonable price, and will he consider whether it is possible to instal something on the lines of a British Restaurant here for the workers? Mr. Smith I can assure the hon. Member we have not had any complaint or proposal. If a proposal is put before us, we shall be very glad to consider it. Mr. Bellenger May I ask the hon. Member whether he himself has taken the opportunity of lunching in that canteen recently, because I can assure him that, if he will consult some of the staff who are in this Chamber at the moment, he will find that there is considerable dissatisfaction. Mr. Smith There are five canteens in the Palace of Westminster under licence by the Ministry of Food, in addition to certain mess rooms. Sir Stanley Reed Will my hon. Friend accept the, assurance that at some of these staff canteens very excellent meals are provided at a very moderate price?