Lord Roberts 24. Sir WILLIAM BYLES asked the Secretary of State for War whether His Majesty's troops were used to welcome and accompany Lord Roberts on his recent visit to Leeds; and whether, seeing that his visit was entirely non-official and undertaken to promote a political object of a controversial character and opposed to the declared policy of His Majesty's Government, he will say what are the precedents, if any, for such employment of the national forces? Colonel SEELY I am informed that on the occasion in question the local Territorial Force applied for permission under paragraph 543, Territorial Force Regulations, to furnish a guard of honour to Lord Roberts on his visit to Leeds, and that such permission was granted by the general officer commanding-in-chief concerned. Sir W. BYLES Does the right hon. Gentleman allow that the visit was for a political object? Colonel SEELY The circumstances were rather peculiar. It was very proper that a distinguished Field Marshal who was being welcomed by the Lord Mayor should receive such a courtesy. On the other hand, the meeting subsequently held, it is quite true, as indicated in the question, was in flat contradiction to the declared policy of His Majesty's Government. Sir W. BYLES When I go down to speak against conscription, shall I have a guard of honour? Colonel SEELY If my hon. Friend can come within the category laid down, I am sure that he will be entitled to it. It is for the rank of Field Marshal.