Prison Population Mr. Beith To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what shortfalls in prison accommodation have been identified from the prison population projections over the next two years; and if he will make a statement. [16558] Ms Quin [holding answer 20 November 1997]: The Prison Service was allocated an additional £43 million in July this year to increase prison capacities to avoid a shortage of accommodation during this financial year and next. However, the short-term population projection prepared by the Research and Statistics Directorate of the Home Office in October 1997 indicates that a shortage of accommodation may emerge in early 1999.The projection was based on the surmise that recent trends in sentencing would continue. Measures have already been put in place which will reduce the prison population, including plea before venue, which is expected to save between 1,100 and 2,600 places. The recently announced home detention curfews are also expected to free up between 3,000 to 4,000 prison places a year.The next prison population projection is scheduled for publication in January 1998.