Motor Vehicles (Warning Bells) 25. Sir Reginald Clarry asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he will consider allowing the owners of motor-vehicles to fix a small bell to the front of their motorcar, in order to give a warning of the approach of the vehicle to pedestrians and cyclists and thus help to decrease the large number of road accidents that occur during black-out hours and repealing any regulations that would prevent this? The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport (Mr. Noel-Baker) I am afraid that my hon. Friend's proposal would not achieve the purpose which he has in view. It would add seriously to the noises in the streets, and would tend to diminish the efficacy of the warning bells required on ambulances, fire engines, and certain other vehicles for which the right of Way is essential. For these reasons, I regret that I do not think it would be wise to adopt it. Sir R. Clarry Is my hon. Friend aware that the proposal is not for noisy bells like fire bells, but for bells that would not be heard more than 25 yards away? Mr. Noel-Baker In that case I am doubtful whether they would achieve their purpose.