Prison Board Mr. Arthur Lewis asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many chairmen, full- or part-time, of the Prison Board there have been since the Prison Commission was absorbed into his Department in 1963; how long each of these was in office; how many had previous experience of working in the prison service, Prison Commission or Prison Department; and what are their present salary scales and allowances. Mr. Merlyn Rees There have been six Chairmen since 1963, one of whom had previous Prison Department experience. The present Chairman was appointed in October 1973. His predecessors served for four years one month, including two years six months with the Prison Commission; two years two months; seven months; two years 11 months; and three years three months. The Chairman is a Deputy Undersecretary of State whose salary is £15,000 a year of which £1,000 is currently withheld under the Government's incomes policy.