Development And Intermediate Areas Mr. Wigley asked the Secretary of State for Industry on what basis an area is defined as a special development area, a development area or an intermediate area; and what plans he has to review such designation. Mr. Cryer The criteria for designating development and intermediate areas are prescribed by Section 1 of the Local Employment Act 1972, as amended by Section 13 of the Industry Act 1972, which provides that in exercising his powers to specify an area as a development or an intermediate area the Secretary of State "shall have regard to all the circumstances actual and expected, including the state of employment and unemployment population changes, migration and the objectives of regional policies" Section 1(4) of the Industry Act 1972 provides that the same factors are to be taken into account in considering whether to designate a development area or any part of it as a special development area. I am considering applications from several areas for changes in their designation.