Education Spending Mrs. Beckett To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish a series going back to 1978–79 in (a) cash prices, (b) 1990–91 prices and (c) as a proportion of GDP, Government spending on education, sub-divided into primary, secondary and others both in total and divided into (i) capital spending, net and gross of receipts, and (ii) current. Mr. Fallon The available information on actual expenditure by the Department of Education and Science is shown in the tables. The records do not show a breakdown of expenditure between the primary and secondary schools sector. The figures for receipts appropriated in aid are aggregated for schools and other education and do not distinguish between capital and recurrent receipts. ------------------------------ | | ------------------------------ |capital | ------------------------------ |current | ------------------------------ |capital | ------------------------------ |current | ------------------------------ |Total | ------------------------------ |Receipts appropriated in aid| ------------------------------ |capital | ------------------------------ |current | ------------------------------ |capital | ------------------------------ |current | ------------------------------ |Total | ------------------------------ |Receipts | ------------------------------ |capital | ------------------------------ |current | ------------------------------ |capital | ------------------------------ |current | ------------------------------ |Total | ------------------------------