Written Statements Written Statements Monday 26 February 2007 Boundary Commission The Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor (Lord Falconer of Thoroton) I have today laid before the House, in accordance with the provisions of the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986, a copy of the Fifth Periodical Report of the Boundary Commission for England, together with a draft of the Parliamentary Constituencies (England) Order. The draft order replicates without modification the recommendations made by the Boundary Commission in its Fifth Periodical Report. My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary has written today to all Members of this House representing existing constituencies in England, advising them of the laying of the report and draft order, and enclosing a copy of the report on compact disc. Disability: Independent Living Funds The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions (Lord McKenzie of Luton) My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Anne McGuire) has made the following Statement. On 3 May 2006, in a Written Ministerial Statement, I announced details of a strategic review of the independent living funds which has now concluded. On 9 October 2006, in a Written Ministerial Statement, I announced that, because of an extended period of consultation, the report would be published in February 2007. The independent living funds enable thousands of severely disabled people to live independently and the Government need to consider the future direction of the fund in the light of both our goal of equality for disabled people and the wider context of proposed changes in social care. The consultants have made a large number of recommendations, and in order for Government to give proper consideration to the recommendations within it, the report’s publication will now be before Easter 2007. ECOFIN Lord Davies of Oldham My right honourable friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Gordon Brown) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement. The Economic and Financial Affairs Council will be held on 27 February in Brussels. The items on the agenda are as follows: Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact Stability and Convergence Programmes Ministers will be invited to adopt Council opinions on the stability programmes of Slovenia, Portugal, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Ireland, France and Germany, and on the convergence programmes of Cyprus, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, Sweden, Poland, Malta, Lithuania, Hungary, Greece, Finland, Estonia and Denmark. The UK supports a prudent interpretation of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) which takes into account the level of debt, the influence of the cycle and the level of public investment, and ensures that any recommendations reflect each member state's economic position. Excessive Deficit Procedure Ministers will adopt a Council recommendation with a view to bringing an end to the situation of an excessive deficit in Poland. This recommendation follows the Council decision of 28 November 2006 establishing, in accordance with Article 104(8) of the treaty, that the action taken by Poland in response to the Council recommendation of 5 July 2004 pursuant to Article 104(7) of the treaty is proving to be inadequate. Preparation of the European Council (8-9 March 2007) ECOFIN will discuss three issues in preparation for the spring European Council. These are: Key Issues Paper This discussion follows the orientation debate on the key issues paper at the January ECOFIN. The key issues paper is a set piece document that both responds to the Commission's annual progress report on implementation of the Lisbon agenda and sets out ECOFIN's priorities on economic reform issues as a contribution to the spring European Council. Ministers will agree a final text. Updating the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines 2005-2008 Ministers will finalise the draft of the broad economic policy guidelines for the spring Council. Together with the employment guidelines, the broad economic policy guidelines recommend priority actions for member states. They form part of the Lisbon strategy for jobs and growth. Reducing administrative burdens ECOFIN will be asked to agree Council conclusions on reducing administrative burdens. The UK supports the draft conclusions, which include a 25 per cent target for the reduction of administrative burdens arising from EU legislation. This matches the UK's own existing administrative burden reduction target. General budget of the European Union Discharge procedure in respect of the implementation of the budget for 2005 Commissioner Siim Kallas, responsible for administrative affairs, audit and anti-fraud, will attend the discussion of the discharge procedure for the 2005 budget. Council will be asked to adopt conclusions recommending that the European Parliament grant discharge to the Commission on the EU's 2005 budget. The Government announced to Parliament on 20 November 2006 that the UK would take a lead in showing how member states could improve their own management of EU funds. Financial Services Clearing and Settlement Discussion of clearing and settlement covers both the ECB's proposed Target 2 Securities project and the implementation and functioning of the code of conduct. Both initiatives are intended to address deficiencies in the European clearing and settlement landscape—an area where the Council has long been pressing for change. Ministers will be asked to agree Conclusions on Target 2 Securities, which establish issues the ECB should consider in making its final decision on the progression of the Target 2 Securities project, and will receive an update from the Commission on the code of conduct. Iraq: Roulement The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Lord Drayson) My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Defence (Des Browne) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement. On 21 February the Prime Minister set out our strategy and plans in Iraq, in particular, changes to the UK force levels and posture in Multi-National Division (South East) (MND(SE)). These plans will see greater emphasis on the training of the Iraqi Security Forces and, in the view of progress they continue to make, the phased closure of a number of bases in MND(SE). This process will permit a reduction in UK force levels from its present level of 7,100 to approximately 5,500 by the completion of the next roulement of UK forces in June 2007. The force package that we currently plan to deploy to Iraq for this roulement during May-June 2007 will see the lead formation, currently 19 Light Brigade, replaced by 1 Mechanised Brigade, which will take over the command of UK forces in early June. The other major units that will deploy are as follows: 1 Mechanised Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron (215 Signal Squadron Royal Signals) 2 x squadrons from the Household Cavalry Regiment The King's Royal Hussars 2 x squadrons from the 2 Royal Tank Regiment 1 Battalion Irish Guards 1 x company from 1 Battalion The Royal Welsh 2 Battalion The Royal Welsh 4 Battalion The Rifles 1 Regiment Royal Horse Artillery 22 Engineer Regiment 1 x squadron from 23 Pioneer Regiment Royal Logistic Corps 3 Logistic Support Regiment Royal Logistic Corps 1 x Company from 6 Battalion Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers Bravo (16) Close Medical Support Squadron, 3 Close Support Medical Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps 158 Provost Company 3 Regiment Royal Military Police 22 Battery, 32 Regiment Royal Artillery 34 Field Hospital Royal Army Medical Corps Members of the reserve forces will continue to deploy to Iraq as part of this force package, and we expect to have eventually issued in the order of 300 call-out notices in order to fill some 260 posts. On completion of their mobilisation procedures, the reservists will undertake a period of training and integration with their respective receiving units. For the majority, their deployment to theatre will commence in May and most will serve on operations for six to seven months, although some may have shorter tours. The reservists will perform a wide range of activities including force protection duties, medical support and individual reinforcement to units. As part of this commitment, we expect up to 20 members of the sponsored reserves to be in theatre at any one time. I emphasise that the force package we deploy in May-June will depend on conditions on the ground, in particular the security situation in the south and progress on handover of security responsibility to the Iraqi civil authorities over the months to come. I very much hope that continued positive progress in these areas will enable adjustments later in the year to the force package we deploy and we will continue to keep UK force levels in Iraq under review. I will, of course, inform Parliament of any changes to these plans at the earliest opportunity. Road Safety: Strategy Lord Bassam of Brighton My honourable friend the Minister of State for Transport (Stephen Ladyman) has made the following Ministerial Statement. I am pleased to announce today the publication of the second three-yearly review of our road safety strategy, and of the child road safety strategy. Copies of the report and strategy are available in the Libraries of the House. The review document which is jointly promoted by DfT, the Scottish Executive and the Welsh Assembly Government, fulfils the commitment in the March 2000 White Paper Tomorrow's Roads—safer for everyone formally to review our approach every three years. We are now seven years into our road safety strategy and we have delivered much in that time. These developments have contributed to the good progress against our PSA targets. The review makes a general assessment of policy implementation to date and identifies those groups that remain more at risk and the key issues that still need to be tackled. The review then sets out what steps we intend to take to make Britain's roads safer. The child road safety strategy, which updates the first such strategy published in 2002, takes a similar approach and sets out an action plan for what more can be done before 2010. Television: Sky and ITV The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Trade and Industry (Lord Truscott) My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (Alistair Darling) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement. I have today issued an intervention notice under Section 42(2) of the Enterprise Act 2002 in respect of British Sky Broadcasting Group's acquisition of a 17.9 per cent stake in ITV plc. In accordance with Section 44A of the Enterprise Act, Ofcom will now investigate public interest issues that may arise as a result of this transaction and report to me by 27 April. In accordance with Section 44 of the Act, the Office of Fair Trading will report to me on the competition effects of the transaction by the same date. As a general rule, Ministers have withdrawn from the regulatory consideration of mergers. However, having given careful consideration to the provisions of the relevant legislation and to the representations I have received both from the parties directly concerned and from interested third parties, I believe that in this case it is appropriate for me to use the mechanism established by the Communications Act 2003 to ask Ofcom to conduct an initial investigation into the public interest issues that may be raised by this transaction. I consider that the statutory thresholds for making an intervention are met in this case in that, first, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a relevant merger situation may have been created as a result of British Sky Broadcasting Group's acquisition of shares in ITV plc; and, secondly, there are grounds to consider that the public interest consideration specified at Section 58(2C)(a) of the Enterprise Act may be relevant. Formal advice from Ofcom will enable me to make a properly informed decision on whether the transaction should be referred to the Competition Commission for fuller investigation. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) announced on 12 January 2007 its provisional view that a relevant merger situation may have been created for the purposes of the Enterprise Act 2002 as a result of British Sky Broadcasting Group acquiring material influence over ITV plc. The OFT will report to the Secretary of State on 27 April on this and other competition issues raised by the transaction. I wish to emphasise that a decision to issue an intervention notice in respect of this transaction only means there will be an initial investigation by Ofcom and is not determinative of whether the transaction actually gives rise to any substantive public interest concerns that may warrant making a reference to the Competition Commission. In reaching this decision, I have had regard to the DTI's guidance document issued in May 2004 entitled Enterprise Act 2002: Public Interest Intervention in Media Mergers Guidance on the operation of the public interest merger provisions relating to newspaper and other media mergers. The guidance states that, as a matter of policy, “save in exceptional circumstances” intervention would be considered “only in cases where media ownership rules have been removed by the Communications Act 2003”. In this case, the acquisition by British Sky Broadcasting Group of its shareholding in ITV plc may have been in breach of an ownership rule that was removed by the Communications Act 2003. The relevant rule prohibited certain persons from holding two or more Channel 3 licences. In addition, circumstances of the kind envisaged in paragraph 8.8 of the DTI guidance (a large number of news channels coming under single control) may apply.