Population Statistics Mr. Dewar To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many households there are in Scotland with only one adult over the age of 18 years; how many of those are single-parent families with children; and how many are single people over pensionable age. Mr. Rifkind Information in the form requested is not available. However, it is estimated that at 31 December 1986, there were 564,000 households with one adult over the age of 16 (either living alone or with children under the age of 16) in Scotland; 70,000 of these are estimated to be lone-parent families, while 325,000 are estimated to consist of one person over pensionable age living alone. Mr. Dewar To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will provide the most recent available breakdown of the Scottish adult population by household size in (a) total and (b) percentage terms. Mr. Rifkind Information in the form requested is not available. The estimates in the table are of the population in private households aged 16 and over, by the number of persons aged 16 and over in the household, at 31 December 1986:------------------------------------------------- |Number of persons aged 16 and over in household| ------------------------------------------------- |One | ------------------------------------------------- |Two | ------------------------------------------------- |Three | ------------------------------------------------- |Four | -------------------------------------------------