Royal Tournament, Olympia 40. Major Bruce asked the Secretary of State for War whether it is proposed to publish the balance sheet and accounts of the Royal Tournament to be held at Olympia from 12th to 28th June, 1947. Mr. Bellenger The Royal Tournament is not administered by my Department, but by the Royal Tournament Committee, with assistance from the Service Departments in the form of loan of personnel and equipment, which is furnished on the basis that all extra expense involved is met by the Tournament authorities. I understand that it has not been the practice to publish the balance sheet and accounts, though these are, of course, audited professionally. The three Services receive an allocation from the profits of each Tournament for Service charities. I am making further inquiries. Major Bruce Would my right hon. Friend bear in mind that the veil of secrecy which has surrounded these accounts in the past has created an undesirable impression? Mr. Bellenger I do not think that there has been generally an undesirable impression, as my hon. and gallant Friend suggests, but I will certainly investigate the matter and let him have any further information that I can get.