Royal Commission On Population (Report) 46. Mr. Swingler asked the Prime Minister if he will make a statement on the report of the Royal Commission on Population. The Prime Minister The report is receiving the consideration of the Government. In view of the range of the recommendations it will not be possible to make a statement in the immediate future. Mr. Swingler Will the Prime Minister express to the members of this Commission what is, I am sure, the feeling of all intelligent citizens, our indebtedness for the valuable work done; and is he further aware that apparently less intelligent parents like myself, who enjoy having bigger-than-average families, eagerly await the Government's decision? Mr. Wilson Harris Is the Prime Minister aware that a message in an evening paper today, emanating from Wimbledon or some such place, bears the heading "Britain's Only Survivor"? Will he undertake to grasp the situation firmly before it comes to that?