North East 37. Mr. Moody asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in order to stop the continuing migration from the North East, he will take additional powers to allow industries to be built in the North East, adjoining areas scheduled under the Local Employment Act. Mr. Maudling The Board of Trade's powers under the Local Employment Act may be exercised only in localities where high unemployment exists or is expected. All the areas in the North East which fulfil either of these conditions are already listed as development districts. I am watching the position in the North East very closely and will add any other districts which warrant listing. As the hon. Member knows, the existing powers may be, and are being, used in areas adjoining the development districts where their use is for the benefit of those districts. trade by reducing prices; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Maudling My colleagues and I have lost no opportunity of explaining the need for increased exports of goods at competitive prices, and I think there is increasing awareness of it. As regards the second part of my hon. Friend's Question, the Board of Trade, the Government's overseas posts and Export Credits Guarantee Department provide a comprehensive range of services to exporters. Mr. Gresham Cooke asked the President of the Board of Trade to what extent the exports of the United Kingdom to the Common Market countries have increased in value and percentage in 1960 and 1961 as compared with exports to the rest of the world. Mr. Maudling Following is the information: