Rural Housing 50. Mr. C. BATHURST asked the Prime Minister whether, in order to increase and develop the activities and usefulness of public utility societies in providing new cottages in rural areas, the Government will consider the desirability of increasing the term of loans to such bodies from the Public Works Loan Commissioners to sixty years, reducing the rate of interest thereon and authorising local authorities to contribute one-third of the capital required for erecting cottages within their administrative areas? The PRESIDENT of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Mr. Herbert Samuel) The Government will certainly give consideration to the hon. Member's suggestions, all of which, however, would require legislation. Mr. C. BATHURST Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the desirability of incorporating this Amendment as one of the new provisions in the Government Housing Bill? Mr. HERBERT SAMUEL If provisions of this kind were proposed by the Government they would be in the larger Housing Bill the Government contemplate introducing later. I am afraid it is desirable to keep the scope of the present Housing Bill as small as possible.