National Economic Development Office 52. Mr. Kirkwood asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what representations he has recently received from the National Economic Development Office on public spending. Mr. Peter Rees The National Economic Development Office prepares papers for the Council as a whole on a range of subjects. The office paper on infrastructure for the July meeting of NEDC drew out the major issues arising from the papers submitted. It pointed out that the TUC advocated a net increase in public expenditure of £30 billion for infrastructural investment spread over five years, while the CBI called for no net increase in public expenditure, but for savings on current expenditure to be used to finance additional capital expenditure of up to £1 billion per annum, with further increases financed through better use of Government resources. 53. Mr. Willie W. Hamilton asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the recent meeting with the National Economic Development council. Mr. Peter Rees The council discussed a progress report from the Director-General on the new jobs exercise, and papers on the public sector infrastructure. The council agreed to release the papers.