Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Of Australia 28. Mr. GINNELL asked the President of the Board of Trade if he has received the statutory returns of the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society of Australia for 1912; how they compare with those for 1889 in premium receipts, receipts of interest on funds invested, gross receipts, payments on claims and surrenders, cost of administration, including directors, gross expenditure, and sum invested for security of the insured; and, if an annual meeting is ever held, when the last one was held and how many insured persons were present at it? Mr. ROBERTSON The returns of the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society, Limited, under the Assurance Companies Act for the year 1912 have not yet been received, and they are not required by the Act until the 30th June next. The last annual meeting of which the Board of Trade have information was held at Melbourne on the 22nd May, 1912, but the Board have no information as to the number of insured persons present at the meeting.