School, Balham (Traffic) 36. Mr. Gibson asked the Minister of Education whether he is aware of the traffic dangers to children when leaving the Cavendish Road School, Balham: and if he will cause inquiries to be made with a view to crush barriers being erected outside the school entrance which will prevent children risking injury by dashing across the road when leaving school. Mr. Tomlinson I am informed by the local education authority that there is police supervision for children attending the school who need to cross Cavendish Road, and that all children leave the school by entrances in Hydthorpe Road, where the volume of traffic is not at present such as would justify special supervision or the erection of crush barriers. Mr. Gibson Would the Minister have another look at this matter, because I think his information is not quite full enough? Hydthorpe Road is a dangerous road and—[HON. MEMBERS: "Speech."] Would it not be better to try to prevent possible danger to children in this district, rather than wait until someone is seriously injured? Mr. Tomlinson The London County Council can put up these crush barriers without my approval, and I prefer to leave this problem to the local education authorities.