Satellites Norman Baker To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many research projects utilising satellites are (a) funded and (b) part funded by her Department, in each case giving (i) the title and aims of the work being undertaken, (ii) to whom this funding has been provided, (iii) the amount of funding which has and will be provided and (iv) when results have been published or are expected. [117342] Mr. Morley A table showing the current research projects funded or part funded by the Department using satellite derived data or technology has been placed in the Library of the House. Many other research projects use satellite GPS particularly those using the research vessels at CEFAS. There are non R&D uses for satellite technology especially the Sea Fisheries Inspectorate work and WaveNet.In addition to these external contracts the Rural Development Service, Geographic Information Unit provides in-house remote sensing advice and analysis. It has been involved in a number of external remote sensing projects including a project with the EC Joint Research Centre monitoring agri-environment features.