Forage Committee 67. Colonel Sir A. SYKES asked the President of the Board of Agriculture why the Forage Committee was appointed, and what the salaries or other emoluments of its members are; if it still continues to perform the duties for which it was appointed; and how many times it has met and the dates of meeting during the twelve months 1st March, 1917, to 1st March, 1918? Mr. FORSTER The Forage Committee was appointed by the Army Council. "to keep in touch with and advise the farm Produce County committees on all questions arising in conjunction with the acquisition of farm produce for His Majesty's Forces, and on all matters relating to the constitution of the said committees, and to the regulation of the scheme in general." The members of the Committee have always acted in an honorary capacity. They continue to perform their duties, and they have held thirteen meetings during the twelve months ended 1st March, 1918.