Radiation Hazards Mr. Hooley asked the Prime Minister which Ministers are responsible for matters concerning radiation hazards in places of employment, in medical institutions, in the environment generally and in aircraft and on board ships. The Prime Minister The Ministers primarily responsible for matters concerning the radiation hazards listed by my hon. Friend are as follows:The Secretary of State for Employment for places of employment generally. The Secretaries of State for Energy and Scotland have particular responsibilities for licensed nuclear installations and the Secretary of State for Energy is responsible for United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority establishments. The Secretary of State for Defence is responsible for all matters relating to defence establishments, and military aircraft and ships.The Secretary of State for Employment is jointly responsible with the Secretary of State for Social Services for radiation hazards in medical institutions.The Secretary of State for the Environment has a general responsibility for radiation in the environment, jointly in certain respects with the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (in England), the Secretary of State for Scotland (in Scotland) and the Secretary of State for Wales (in Wales).The Secretary of State for Trade is responsible for civil aircraft and merchant shipping at sea.The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is responsible for all these matters, where appropriate, in Northern Ireland.