Margarine (Imported Oils) 26. Mr. McKINLAY asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that imports to Scotland of oleo oil and oleo stearine used in margarine must be accompanied by a certificate that the fat was derived from an animal free from disease; whether he is aware that no such health regulations are observed on imports to England; whether any Scottish authorities have complained of their precaution being defeated by imports via England; and whether he will make any representations on the subject to the Government? Mr. JOHNSTON I am aware that the practice in this matter at Scottish ports differs from that observed at English ports, and my right hon. Friend is in consultation with the Minister of Health on the subject, with a view to securing the adoption of a common practice. Mr. W. BENNETT Are we to understand that there is no protection for English ports from oils of this description? Mr. JOHNSTON I cannot answer questions relating to English ports; I can only answer questions dealing with the protection afforded to Scottish ports. Mr. CHARLES WILLIAMS What is the precise difference between the two positions to which the hon. Gentleman refers? Mr. JOHNSTON In the Scottish ports importation is only permitted if it is accompanied by a medical certificate that the oils are produced from animals free from disease. As I understand it, no such medical certificate is insisted upon at the English ports. Mr. McKINLAY May I ask if this oil is the product of General Charteris' Kadaver factory?