Chronically Sick And Disabled Persons Mr. Woodall asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what is the number of chronically sick and disabled persons in the area covered by the Wakefield Metropolitan District Council who have been newly identified by their local authority since the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 was enacted, and the numbers of handicapped persons assisted under the provisions of Section 2 of the Act in this area;(2) what is the number of chronically sick and disabled persons in the area covered by the North Yorkshire Non-Metropolitan County Council who have been newly identified by their local authority since the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 was enacted, and the number of handicapped persons--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |(a) Persons newly registered under s. 29 National Assistance Act 1948, 1st January 1970 to 31st March 1974 excluding the period 1st January 1971 to 31st March 1971| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |(b) Households assisted under s. 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 in: | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Year ending 31st March 1973 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Year ending 31st March 1974 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i) The figures include some able-bodied elderly people assisted under s 45 of the Health Service and public Health Act 1968.(ii) The figures exclude information relating to persons assisted with the taking of holidays.(iii) The numbers of persons covered by these figures who were assisted in each of these two years is not known.I will write to my hon. Friend when I am in a position to let him have information, for the year ending 31st March last, for the three authorities to which his Questions refer.