Kent Mr. MILLS asked the Lord Privy Seal what plans, if any, have been submitted by the Bexley Council, or the Dartford Urban Council, or the Kent County Council, for relief of unemployment? Mr. THOMAS The Dartford Urban District Council submitted on 31st December, a scheme estimated to cost £6,500, which is under consideration by the Un employment Grants Committee. The Kent County Council propose to carry out under the Trunk Road programme new road construction and improvement works estimated to cost £345,200. Surveys are now in progress with a view to the preparation and submission of the plans and other details. The Kent County Council have also submitted a programme of works of improvement, and new construction on classified roads, consisting of nine schemes, estimated to cost £2,740,000. This includes the construction of the Kent Coastal road estimated to cost £604,000 in respect of which works estimated to cost £218,000 have already been approved fox-grant. It is understood that details of the remainder of the schemes are in course of preparation. I cannot trace that any schemes have been submitted by the Bexley Urban District Council.