Ni Child Pedestrian Death Rate Lord Hylton asked Her Majesty's Government:Why road deaths in Northern Ireland of child pedestrians under 10 years of age were twice as high in 1984 (per 100,000 population) as in the Republic of Ireland, and substantially higher than in any other Western European country; what plans they have for improving this situation; and in particular what new play-areas and equipped playgrounds will be provided in the next three years, and where. Lord Lyell The statistics available at the departments of the environment for Northern Ireland indicate that the child pedestrian death rate in the under 10 age group per 100,000 total population during 1984 was 0.896 compared to 0.876 for the Republic of Ireland. The reason why this NI child pedestrian death rate was higher during 1984 than in some Western European countries, including the Republic of Ireland, is not known.A considerable effort to improve the situation has been made since 1973. The Department remains committed to a co-ordinated programme of traffic education in schools and colleges, road safety advertising and publicity campaigns, vehicle and driver testing, road and building maintenance, traffic management and accident remedial schemes. The overall child pedestrian death rate per 100,000 total population has been reduced from 2.99 in 1973 to 0.96 in 1985.There are currently plants to provide play areas and playgrounds at the following primary schools: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Primary School | |Establishment Completion Date| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Holy Family Voluntary Primary School, Londonderry|2 playgrounds |July 1987 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Market Hill, Newry, Controlled Primary School |Playground and play area|July 1987 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Sacred Heart Voluntary Primary School Belfast |Playground and play area|August 1987 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Panton Street Voluntary Primary School, Belfast |Play area |March 1989 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |St Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast |Play area |March 1989 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Victoria Controlled Primary School, Newtownards |Playground |May 1989 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Ballyharry Controlled Primary School, Newtownards|Playground and play area|July 1989 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Warringstown Controlled Primary School |Playground and play area|September 1989 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are no current plans to provide playgrounds with fixed equipment.