Reconditioned Cars (Ex-Service Men) 100. Mr. F. Lee asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that large numbers of disabled ex-Service men, whose applications for used motor cars were approved, are unaware that they are now excluded from consideration; and whether he intends to take any action in the matter. Mr. Barnes So far as I am aware, all applicants for reconditioned ex-Service cars, whose applications could not be considered, have been so informed. But I shall be pleased to look into any particular case to which my hon. Friend may wish to draw my attention. 105. Mr. D. Marshall asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of the recent decision that surplus service motor cars suitable for disabled ex-Service men will be made available to them, application for these reconditioned motor cars from 100 per cent. disabled pensioners will now be accepted. Mr. Barnes No. The statement made on 23rd June by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply did not indicate that there would be any considerable increase in the supply of surplus ex-Service cars suitable for economical reconditioning and disposal to seriously disabled ex-Service men. I regret, therefore, that for the reasons given in my answer to the hon. Member on 21st April, I am still unable to accept further applications for addition to the already long waiting list.