Shoreham Foreshore MR. BRANCH (Middlesex, Enfield) To ask the hon. Member for South (Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.)The increase in the net expenditure on Naval Services in 1904–5 as compared with that in 1894–5 amounted to £21,985,594 as follows; — on Naval Services in 1905-6 as compared with that in 1904–5 amounted to £4,178,385 and the corresponding decrease in 1906–7 as compared with 1904–5 is estimated at £6,745,020 as follows— Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, if his attention has been called to the proposed sale of the foreshore at Shoreham, Sussex, as freehold land to a building company, thus excluding the public from access to the sea; and if he can take any steps to prevent this. ( Answered by Mr. Kearley.) The attention of ray right hon. friend has not been railed officially to this matter, though the Board of Trade have seen paragraphs in the newspapers on the subject. Whatever be the exact circumstances of the property, the purchaser will take it subject to any rights of the public which now exist, and no buildings can be erected on the foreshore without the consent of the Board of Trade.