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Lords Chamber section
Lords Hansard for 14 January 2021 (Volume 809)
From the corrected (daily) version. Last updated
15 January 2021 at 12.40pm.
Lords Chamber
Record of debates that happened in the House of Lords main chamber.
House of Lords
(item number 1)
(id 21011412000280)
Arrangement of Business
(item number 2)
(id D26251B9-6DA3-4023-B10B-2CEA8F64155C)
Constitution, Democracy and Human Rights Commission
(item number 3)
(id BE97C316-0606-4BC0-B077-6DF9D1488C83)
Foreign Policy: UK-EU Dialogue
(item number 4)
(id 535AE2C0-2C50-4742-B120-4D7AC62093F0)
Construction Industry: Retention Payments
(item number 5)
(id 9AA5A702-C104-4C50-9DC8-1EED67E83A95)
Biodiversity: Impact of Neonicotinoids
(item number 6)
(id 770A08C1-CD91-49A3-877F-9BE5203AC715)
Free School Meals: Food Parcels
(item number 7)
(id C93F96A7-C306-41C1-B002-7784A73F1E9A)
Protocol on Northern Ireland: Disruption to Trade
(item number 8)
(id B3D85B75-B089-4E64-B555-4E582CA6898A)
Elections: May 2021
(item number 9)
(id B39694AA-D89E-4FA9-BF3B-07D0A47744E3)
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Order 2020
(item number 10)
(id 246565C1-BE96-4081-906B-6D090F53B139)
Arrangement of Business
(item number 11)
(id 59B4C5E2-996F-4A76-BC81-296010E5004F)
Medicines and Medical Devices Bill
(item number 12)
(id 597E5928-E2FC-429E-AD49-DA08AE7D58F6)
Financial Services Bill
(item number 13)
(id B3A67B41-537E-4A4C-A9B5-E545F1810276)
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Lords Chamber section