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Lords Hansard for 4 April 2022 (Volume 820)
From the corrected (daily) version. Last updated
25 April 2022 at 2.32pm.
Lords Chamber
Record of debates that happened in the House of Lords main chamber.
House of Lords
(item number 1)
(id 2204042000184)
Falkland Islands
(item number 2)
(id 1CB6926F-8CC7-4B5C-B6BF-0C09D4470CAC)
(item number 3)
(id 32379F88-C216-4246-A1A3-B65621FFB1F5)
Water Companies: Duties and Accountability
(item number 4)
(id 045FE2D1-20CB-4733-8CDA-9DE22B1FCCD1)
Live Facial Recognition: Police Guidance
(item number 5)
(id 787FBE4F-2CC8-405B-BBF8-3EBF336D2465)
Ukraine: War Crimes Allegations
(item number 6)
(id B5D1A828-3788-448A-99BF-B04BA021B6C6)
Business of the House
(item number 7)
(id 0FA1FE67-2C6E-4833-8D25-F8809DCC7E91)
Building Safety Bill
(item number 8)
(id ECEAEAD5-9736-4C75-BBB6-53764151213D)
Nationality and Borders Bill
(item number 9)
(id D26CD065-8F0A-4F98-9641-D2A7C7CA2AF5)
Grand Committee
Grand Committees may consider Bills or statutory instruments, or debate particular issues or topics.
Grand Committee
(item number 1)
(id 2204044000052)
Arrangement of Business
(item number 2)
(id 1FFBED1E-A1D2-47A5-A25D-FBA77363C20E)
Legislative Reform (Renewal of National Radio Multiplex Licences) Order 2022
(item number 3)
(id C729A348-0063-4503-95E7-B168D72ECC81)
Boiler Upgrade Scheme (England and Wales) Regulations 2022
(item number 4)
(id E09CB3C8-D3F8-4CEF-9E25-65598FE50B4F)
Judicial Pensions Regulations 2022
(item number 5)
(id CA56C4D0-F63D-4A76-80B0-9DAB0DEC3763)
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